Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Welcome to the Loft

The Piano Studio
March Break is over and lessons have started up again.  You've all been finding us at the new location, so we have successfully transitioned!  Remember to spread the word about lessons, and let your friends know that we have space for new piano, flute, guitar and trumpet students.

In studio news...
Piano students H. Lawrence and A. Stevens are preparing to play in the Sault Ste Marie Music Festival (formerly Kiwanis Music Festival) during the last weekend of March.  We wish them all the best and hope that they both enjoy and learn much from the experience! 

Visit the Algoma Conservatory website for information about the Sault Ste Marie Music Festival.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Welcome to Our New Studio

We have successfully moved into our loft on Finns Bay Road along with our piano, guitars, other music instruments and our two Singaporean cats, Olivia and Ophelia. And yes, all the other necessities of life!  There are boxes and bins piled everywhere, but we are slowly making progress and feeling more settled every day.
There is plenty of space for current and new piano students, and we'll be opening up new lesson slots for flute, guitar, and trumpet students as well. Please tell your friends to give us a call if they are interested, or direct them to this blogsite.  

Check out our "Contact Us" page for directions to the new place.  See you after March Break in the loft! 

Hannah-Lee and Eric Lawrence 
750 Finns Bay Road (at the end of Neebish Rd.) 
R.R. #4 Echo Bay, ON, P0S 1C0